DDD Belfast Parallelisation Talk


Here are all the examples from Saturday’s introductory talk on Parallelisation at DDD Belfast.

Slide Deck

You can download the slide deck here.

DDD South West Parallelisation Talk Overview


Here are all the examples from Saturday’s introductory talk on Parallelisation at DDD South West 2011.

Slide Deck

The slide deck is also available as a PDF file (15.9 Mb)

Parallel Loop Anti-pattern

Here’s a quick parallel loop anti-pattern. In other words, don’t do this, it will only make you miserable.

If you want to start tasks in a loop watch out for including the loop variable as a closure to the task body. For example:

Task[] tasks = new Task[20];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(
        () => Console.WriteLine("The loop index is {0}", i));

What happens is that the variable i is updated in each loop iteration. So, the task uses the value of i as it is when the task runs. Since the task does not run in the loop (it may run at any time the task schedule sees fit to run the task) the value of i could have updated by the time the task actually runs.

In the example program above, my output showed that i was 20 for every single iteration. Incidentally, if you are using i for an indexer you’ll notice that 20 will be out of range for something with 20 elements (which uses indexes 0 to 19) which just adds to the misery.

If you have something like ReSharper installed the it will warn you that you “Access to modified closure” and underline the uses of i that are affected.

So, if you must use run the body of a loop in parallel you are much better off using Parallel.For than trying the above.

Task status state changes

Over the course of the last couple of months I’ve blogged a lot about the Task Parallel Library and mentioned a number of statuses that a task can have, but nowhere is a nice handy-dandy chart to show what those statuses are and how the transition from one to another. The green status show the normal line that most tasks will take. The purple and red show alternative paths that may be taken.

When a task is first created it status is Created – however you will almost never see this. This status only exists when you create a task using its constructor. Most of the time you would create tasks with Task.Factory.StartNew(…)

When you start a task the status will be WaitingToRun until such time as the task scheduler can actually run the task. For some tasks the transition will be almost instant, for others it will mean a wait while other tasks complete.

From WaitingToRun a task can transition to either Running or Cancelled. The latter transition happens if the cancellation token is signalled before the task gets a chance to start.

Once a task is running there are three possible exits for it. The normal exit is for the status to transition to RanToCompletion which means that the task completed without incident. The other two exits require exception handling in the calling code.

If an error happens that the task cannot (or does not) handle internally then it will transition to Faulted (see Tasks that throw exceptions). The AggregateException will contain details of all the exceptions in Faulted tasks as part of its InnerExceptions collection.

If the tasks are cancelled, any task that has not already completed will transition immediately to Cancelled. An AggregateException will contain details of all tasks that were cancelled (whether they had a chance to run or not) with TaskCanceledException inner exceptions. The exception to this is any task that was running already when the cancellation token was signalled and either ran to completion normally, or did not respond correctly to the cancellation request (see Cancelling parallel tasks).

Cancelling parallel tasks

UPDATE (7-June-2011): The post as it originally appeared had a bug in the code, the catch block in the task caught the wrong exception type. See the Gotcha section at the end for an explanation on why there are two types of exception for this.

I think, to date, I’ve mentioned most of the task lifecycle, but I’ve not talked about cancelling tasks yet. So here goes.

You can cancel tasks for what ever reason by passing in a cancellation token to the task. The task must be cooperative insomuch as it must watch the cancellation token to detect if a cancellation has been signalled then it can clean up and exit.

The basic program

So, the little example program to demonstrate this is this:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        const int numTasks = 9;
        Task[] tasks = new Task[numTasks];
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(PerformTask);


        foreach(Task t in tasks)
            Console.WriteLine("Tasks {0} state: {1}", t.Id, t.Status);

        Console.WriteLine("Program End");

    static void PerformTask()
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Starting", Task.CurrentId);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: {1}/3 In progress", Task.CurrentId, i+1);
            Thread.Sleep(500); // Simulate doing some work
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Finished", Task.CurrentId);

So far this doesn’t do much. It starts 9 tasks and each runs to completion. Each task’s end state is RanToCompletion.

Setting up the CancellationToken

Now, if we introduce the cancellation token to the task we can cancel the task at some point during its execution. The Main method then gets changed to this:

static void Main(string[] args)
    const int numTasks = 9;

    CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    CancellationToken token = tokenSource.Token;

    Task[] tasks = new Task[numTasks];
    for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++)
        tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => PerformTask(token), token);

    Console.WriteLine("Cancelling tasks");
    Console.WriteLine("Cancellation Signalled");


    foreach(Task t in tasks)
        Console.WriteLine("Tasks {0} state: {1}", t.Id, t.Status);

    Console.WriteLine("Program End");

The PerformTask method now takes a CancellationToken (but doesn’t yet do anything with it)

If this code is run, the Task.WaitAll method call will throw an AggregateException with a number of TaskCanceledException objects.

Handling cancelled tasks

You therefore have to surround your WaitAll method with a try/catch block and look out for TaskCanceledException objects and handle them as you need (see also: handling AggregateException exceptions). In my example I’m just going to output the fact to the console. The try/catch block looks like this:

catch (AggregateException aex)
    aex.Handle(ex =>
        TaskCanceledException tcex = ex as TaskCanceledException;
        if (tcex != null)
            Console.WriteLine("Handling cancellation of task {0}", tcex.Task.Id);
            return true;
        return false;

The tasks that were in progress at the time the cancel was signalled complete as normal. Cancelling the tasks will not stop any currently running task.

Responding to a cancellation request: IsCancellationRequested

If the tasks are sufficiently short running allowing them to complete may be perfectly acceptable.

However, if a task is long running or it is safe to cancel them then you can allow your task to cooperate and respond to the token being signalled to cancel.

The CancellationToken object has a property you can check called IsCancellationRequested. For example:

static void PerformTask(CancellationToken token)
    Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Starting", Task.CurrentId);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Cancelling", Task.CurrentId);
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: {1}/3 In progress", Task.CurrentId, i+1);
        Thread.Sleep(500); // Simulate doing some work
    Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Finished", Task.CurrentId);

If you simply exit from your task, like the above example, then the Status of the task will be RanToCompletion as if the task completed normally. If you do not need to know whether a task actually completed or was cancelled then this may be completely acceptable.

Responding to a cancellation request: ThrowIfCancellationRequested

If you need to perform clean up or the calling code needs to know that a task has been cancelled then using the CancellationToken’s ThrowIfCancellationRequested() method may be a better choice.

If you do need to perform clean up inside your task, ensure that the OperationCanceledExcption is thrown again so that the calling code knows that the task was cancelled.

static void PerformTask(CancellationToken token)
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Starting", Task.CurrentId);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: {1}/3 In progress", Task.CurrentId, i + 1);
            Thread.Sleep(500); // Simulate doing some work
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Finished", Task.CurrentId);
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
        // Any clean up code goes here.
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: Cancelling", Task.CurrentId);
        throw; // To ensure that the calling code knows the task was cancelled.
        // Clean up other stuff
        throw; // If the calling code also needs to know.

Remember that if you allow other exceptions to escape your task then the task’s status will be Faulted.


This section was added on 7-June-2011.

One thing to watch out for is that the exception you get inside the task is different from the exception you get inside the AggregateException outside the task. Normally, you’d expect that the exception is passed through and becomes one of the InnerExceptions in the aggregate exceptions.

It you want to keep the code consistent and only deal with one exception type for cancelled tasks you can simple deal with the OperationCanceledException throughout (both inside and outside the tasks) as that is the base class. Outside the task the exception object is actually a TaskCanceledException.

The advantage of referencing the more specific TaskCanceledException outside the task is that the exception object also contains a reference to the Task that was cancelled. Inside the task the exception that ThrowIfCancellationRequested throws is an OperationCanceledException (which doesn’t contain the Task object, however you are inside the task at this point)

The other point to note is that outside the task, the TaskCanceledException object in the AggregateException object doesn’t contain much of the information you’d expect to find in an Exception object (such as a Stack Trace).

Building messages in parallel

I recently saw some code where the developer was attempting to build up messages inside tasks that were being reported outside of the task.

In a sequential system it is easy enough to do this. You have various options available to you, such as

  • message += …;
  • StringBuilder
  • Streams

However, in a parallel system these all fall down because you lose control over the sequencing. You can regain some control by using appropriate locks but then you add in bottlenecks around the synchronisation points which is something you want to minimise in a parallel system.

I’ll show you what I mean. Each example below is attempting to build up a large message containing messages from smaller subroutines. For the moment, let’s assume that the exact order of the individual messages are not important. It may be a series of log entries, or a list of errors to correct. The only important thing is that each individual message is not garbled in anyway. [Skip the code]

The example message is actually just a set of letters and numbers. In the final message each letter must appear 10 times and each number 26 times. Once the tasks have finished, the final messages are examined to see what happened.

Sequential Reference code

Here is the code:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string result = SequentialReference();


        Console.WriteLine("Program finished");

    private static string SequentialReference()
        string result = string.Empty;

        for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
            for(char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++)
                result += string.Format("{0}{1}", i, c);
            result += Environment.NewLine;

        return result;

    private static void ShowResult(string message)
        // Code to display the message and the
        // results of the tests

The code generates the messages, then outputs the results. For the reference sequential code (which is what we want all the results to look like) we get:


Does the result contain all the necessary parts?
10 of each letter; 26 of each number
0: 26 occurrences: Pass
1: 26 occurrences: Pass
2: 26 occurrences: Pass
3: 26 occurrences: Pass
4: 26 occurrences: Pass
5: 26 occurrences: Pass
6: 26 occurrences: Pass
7: 26 occurrences: Pass
8: 26 occurrences: Pass
9: 26 occurrences: Pass
A: 10 occurrences: Pass
B: 10 occurrences: Pass
C: 10 occurrences: Pass
D: 10 occurrences: Pass
E: 10 occurrences: Pass
F: 10 occurrences: Pass
G: 10 occurrences: Pass
H: 10 occurrences: Pass
I: 10 occurrences: Pass
J: 10 occurrences: Pass
K: 10 occurrences: Pass
L: 10 occurrences: Pass
M: 10 occurrences: Pass
N: 10 occurrences: Pass
O: 10 occurrences: Pass
P: 10 occurrences: Pass
Q: 10 occurrences: Pass
R: 10 occurrences: Pass
S: 10 occurrences: Pass
T: 10 occurrences: Pass
U: 10 occurrences: Pass
V: 10 occurrences: Pass
W: 10 occurrences: Pass
X: 10 occurrences: Pass
Y: 10 occurrences: Pass
Z: 10 occurrences: Pass
Does the result contain correctly sequenced individual messages?
Each sequence 52 chars; 0A0B0C... 1A1B1C.... etc.
Message 0: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 1: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 2: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 3: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 4: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 5: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 6: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 7: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 8: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Message 9: PASS - 52 char; PASS - Message content as expected
Program finished

String Concatenation in parallel

The first bad parallel example is this one, where the message is built up using string concatenation.  The code is almost identical to the sequential example, except that the for loop is now a Parallel.For and I’ve injected a Sleep to simulate performing other work (such as getting the data necessary to build the messages).

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string message = StringConcat();


        Console.WriteLine("Program finished");

    private static string StringConcat()
        string result = string.Empty;

        Parallel.For(0, 10,
                        (int i) =>
                                for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
                                    result += string.Format("{0}{1}",i, c);
                                result += Environment.NewLine;

        return result;

And the results are starkly different:


Does the result contain all the necessary parts?
10 of each letter; 26 of each number
0: 26 occurrences: Pass
1: 24 occurrences: Fail
2: 26 occurrences: Pass
3: 24 occurrences: Fail
4: 22 occurrences: Fail
5: 20 occurrences: Fail
6: 16 occurrences: Fail
7: 21 occurrences: Fail
8: 26 occurrences: Pass
9: 26 occurrences: Pass
A: 10 occurrences: Pass
B: 10 occurrences: Pass
C: 8 occurrences: Fail
D: 9 occurrences: Fail
E: 8 occurrences: Fail
F: 10 occurrences: Pass
G: 9 occurrences: Fail
H: 8 occurrences: Fail
I: 9 occurrences: Fail
J: 9 occurrences: Fail
K: 9 occurrences: Fail
L: 10 occurrences: Pass
M: 8 occurrences: Fail
N: 9 occurrences: Fail
O: 9 occurrences: Fail
P: 9 occurrences: Fail
Q: 9 occurrences: Fail
R: 10 occurrences: Pass
S: 10 occurrences: Pass
T: 9 occurrences: Fail
U: 8 occurrences: Fail
V: 8 occurrences: Fail
W: 7 occurrences: Fail
X: 9 occurrences: Fail
Y: 9 occurrences: Fail
Z: 8 occurrences: Fail
Does the result contain correctly sequenced individual messages?
Each sequence 52 chars; 0A0B0C... 1A1B1C.... etc.
Message 0: FAIL - Expected 52 / Got 232 characters
Message 1: FAIL - Expected 52 / Got 2 characters
Message 2: FAIL - Expected 52 / Got 2 characters
Message 3: FAIL - Expected 52 / Got 2 characters
Message 4: FAIL - Expected 52 / Got 2 characters
Message 5: FAIL - Expected 52 / Got 222 characters
Program finished

As you can see, some of it works out… Most of it is a mess!

So what happened?

The string that will contain the result was created outside of the parallel tasks. Inside the tasks the result was updated without any synchronisation structure in place. That means that all the tasks could update the intermediate stages of the result and in the process overwrite each others changes, insert items out of sequence and so on.

I’ve written about some of ways that the Parallel Extensions can help with synchronisation of data across parallel tasks before (e.g. the ConcurrentDictionary being used to help with the aggregation of grouped counts) so perhaps here is an example of where another of the concurrent collections may come in handy. A ConcurrentBag could be used to hold each of the individual completed messages.

A ConcurrentBag is an unordered collection of objects that you can access across multiple threads in a safe way. You can add the same object to the bag as many times as you like. As it is unordered you cannot rely on the objects being retrieved in any particular sequence.

The code that builds the messages now looks like this:

private static string ConcurrentBagExample()
    ConcurrentBag<string> bag = new ConcurrentBag<string>();

    Parallel.For(0, 10,
                    (i) =>
                        string result = string.Empty;
                        for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
                            result += string.Format("{0}{1}", i, c);

    return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, bag);

What has changed is that the building of the string has moved inside the task. This means that the task can only build the string for itself. Once it is done the string is added to the ConcurrentBag. The final string is built outside the parallel tasks. At the end of the method a simple string.Join() is used to pull all the data that’s been built up in the ConcurrentBag.

And now the messages are formed correctly. The only difference between the output of this program and that of the sequential reference program [see above] is the ordering of the individual messages:


Parallel Tasks and the HttpContext

A few days ago I spotted a question on StackOverflow by someone trying to use a parallel loop in an ASP.NET application. It may have been an ASP.NET MVC application (I don’t recall) but the issue is the same.

This person had some code in a parallel task that was using the HttpContext object. I would be hesitant to use that object in the first instance as I don’t know how thread safe it is. I suspect that since it holds a lot of information about the state of a request/response that it would be quite dangerous to access an instance in many threads.

His main issue what that he was getting a null back from HttpContext.Current inside the parallel tasks.

ASP.NET is already multithreaded. It abstracts most of that away so that when you are writing against it you only really ever see the request you are currently dealing with. Many other requests are happening around you, but the framework does its best to shield you from that so that you can write code cleanly. It is also its downfall in some cases.

If you don’t realise what the framework is doing for you then you could very easily fall into a number of traps when you get to the edges of that abstraction. So, when someone uses HttpContext.Current inside parallel tasks not realising that there must already by multiple requests being handled, and therefore there must be multiple simultaneous HttpContext objects floating around masquerading as the Current context. It can become very difficult to track down bugs if you know what the constraints of what Current means in this… erm… context.

Ultimately, HttpContext.Current is only available on the thread that you started with in ASP.NET. If you create new threads then it is no longer available unless you explicitly set it yourself.

Handling AggregateExceptions

I’ve written a couple of posts (see also) about how the AggregateException plays its part in exception handling in parallel systems. However, it has another trick up its sleeve when it comes to handling exceptions.

AggregateException has a Handle method that takes a delegate of Func<Exception, bool> i.e. It takes an Exception as a parameter and returns a bool. The return value indicates whether the function handled the exception or not.

Here is an example program that shows what how it works.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        catch(AggregateException aex)
            Console.WriteLine("Handle Remaining Exceptions");
            foreach(Exception ex in aex.InnerExceptions)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message);


    private static void DoWork()
        const int numTasks = 20;
        Task[] tasks = new Task[numTasks];
        for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++)
            tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(PerformTask);


        catch(AggregateException aex)
            aex.Handle(ex => HandleException(ex));
            Console.WriteLine("Finished handling exceptions."); // This never shows

    public static bool HandleException(Exception ex)
        if (ex is OddException)
            Console.WriteLine("Handling: {0}", ex.Message);
            return true;

        Console.WriteLine("Not handling: {0}", ex.Message);
        return false;

    public static void PerformTask()
        int? id = Task.CurrentId;
        Console.WriteLine("Performing Task {0}", id);

        if (id.Value % 13 == 0)
            throw new TriskaidekaException("Mwaaahaahaahaahaaaaaaaa!");

        if (id.Value % 2 == 1)
            throw new OddException("The task ("+id+") is distinctly odd.");

The program starts 20 tasks (DoWork). Each task (PerformTask) simply outputs a line to the console to say what it’s id is and then throws an exception depending on some condition. There are two types of exception that it can throw.

Back in the main thread (DoWork) a Sleep statement gives the tasks a chance to get going (and hopefully complete). During this time, the tasks get the opportunity to output the following.

Performing Task 1
Performing Task 2
Performing Task 4
Performing Task 3
Performing Task 5
Performing Task 8
Performing Task 9
Performing Task 10
Performing Task 12
Performing Task 13
Performing Task 6
Performing Task 14
Performing Task 7
Performing Task 16
Performing Task 17
Performing Task 18
Performing Task 15
Performing Task 11
Performing Task 19
Performing Task 20

Then the Task.WaitAll statement is called which will potentially throw an AggregateException (in fact it will with 10 InnerExceptions).

Since the Task.WaitAll call is wrapped in a try/catch the AggregateException is caught. We output a message to say the exceptions are being handled. The AggregateException.Handle method calls the method given (HandleException) once for each of the InnerExceptions.


The HandleException method either handles the exception (in which case it returns true) or it doesn’t (so returning false). In each case it also writes to the console to say what it has done. That console output looks like this:

Handling: The task (19) is distinctly odd.
Handling: The task (17) is distinctly odd.
Handling: The task (15) is distinctly odd.
Not handling: Mwaaahaahaahaahaaaaaaaa!
Handling: The task (11) is distinctly odd.
Handling: The task (9) is distinctly odd.
Handling: The task (7) is distinctly odd.
Handling: The task (5) is distinctly odd.
Handling: The task (3) is distinctly odd.
Handling: The task (1) is distinctly odd.

The AggregateException.Handle method then checks to see if any of the exceptions remain unhandled. If there are still unhandled exceptions then it rethrows. Since there is one remaining exception that is unhandled the line of code after the call to Handle is never called.

The try/catch block in the Main method catches AggregateException and just loops over the remaining exceptions to show what was left unhandled.

Handle Remaining Exceptions
TriskaidekaException: Mwaaahaahaahaahaaaaaaaa!

See also

Tasks that throw exceptions

I’ve blogged before about the AggregateException in .NET 4, but I missed out something that may be important. If you are using Parallel.Invoke or Parallel.For or Parallel.ForEach or PLINQ you probably won’t notice this because each of these constructs block until all the tasks are completed. However, if you are using Task.Factory.StartNew() then this may be important.

The AggregateException won’t bubble up into the calling thread or task until one of the Wait… methods (excluding WaitAny) is called.

This means that any number of exceptions can be happening but the thread that starts the task may not know about it for some time if it is getting on with other things itself.

Take this code for example:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Start the tasks
        List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(PerformTask);

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to display the task status.");

        // Display the status of each task.
        // If it has thrown an exception will be "faulted"
        foreach(Task t in tasks)
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} status: {1}", t.Id, t.Status);

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to wait for all tasks.");

        // This is where the AggregateException is finally thrown


    public static void PerformTask()
        Console.WriteLine("Starting Task {0}", Task.CurrentId);
        throw new Exception("Throwing exception in task "+Task.CurrentId);

At the start of the program it starts 20 tasks, each of which throws an exception. The output of the program at this point is:

Press enter to display the task status.
Starting Task 2
Starting Task 1
Starting Task 4
Starting Task 3
Starting Task 5
Starting Task 7
Starting Task 6
Starting Task 8
Starting Task 9
Starting Task 10
Starting Task 11
Starting Task 12
Starting Task 13
Starting Task 14
Starting Task 15
Starting Task 17
Starting Task 16
Starting Task 18
Starting Task 19
Starting Task 20

The reason the "Press enter to display the task status" appears on the first line is that the main thread is still running and performing operations as the background tasks are still spinning up.

Then each of the tasks are started and each output a simple line to the console to prove they are there. Then each throws an exception, so far unseen (other than for the debugger breaking the running on the program to tell the developer, but in a production system you are not going to have that.)

Now, the application is paused on a Console.ReadLine() waiting for the user to press enter. The application is still running merrily.

If the enter key is pressed the next bit of output is displayed:

Task 1 status: Faulted
Task 2 status: Faulted
Task 3 status: Faulted
Task 4 status: Faulted
Task 5 status: Faulted
Task 6 status: Faulted
Task 7 status: Faulted
Task 8 status: Faulted
Task 9 status: Faulted
Task 10 status: Faulted
Task 11 status: Faulted
Task 12 status: Faulted
Task 13 status: Faulted
Task 14 status: Faulted
Task 15 status: Faulted
Task 16 status: Faulted
Task 17 status: Faulted
Task 18 status: Faulted
Task 19 status: Faulted
Task 20 status: Faulted
Press enter to wait for all tasks.

This time the "Press enter to wait for all tasks." message appears at the end of the list. This is because everything here is being written from the main thread.

As you can see everything is "Faulted" meaning that an exception was thrown. Yet, still the application is proceeding merrily along the main thread

Finally, the enter key is pressed and the Task.WaitAll() method is called…. And the main thread only how has all those exceptions to contend with (in the form of an AggregateException)

Throw on WaitAll

That’s a bit of a gotcha if you don’t know where the AggregateException is coming from.

Feedback from my DDD Scotland Talk on Parallisation

DDD Scotland 2011 Talk Opening SlideI got my feedback from my DDD Scotland 2011 talk on Parallelisation. I was actually pleasantly surprised. I guess I was being a little too self critical and the talk went over a lot better than I thought it had.

Some of the highlights:

  • Good clear samples and demos.
  • Enthusiastic speaker who really knew his stuff. Great talk!
  • Nice easy to understand examples. Getting the concepts across without clutter.
  • Useful info. Genuinely learnt something new.

And of course my favourite comment (despite being somewhat irrelevant, or should that be irreverent): Colin’s funky hair.

There were a couple of points that I need to address in future versions of the talk.

I only gave an overview of locking and the only demo that went close was the ConcurrentDictionary example in which all the locking mechanisms are internal to the ConcurrentDictionary. One person wanted more detail on locking so I shall endeavour to add a little extra into the presentation for DDD South West on locking including, if time allows, a specific demo.

The aspect of locking I need to address, is that I talked about when I used a semaphore in a project to restrict access to a scarce resource, but again I didn’t elaborate on it and another person would have found an example of a semaphore being used useful. I have already written about semaphores in a previous blog post, so I shall try and work that in to the next version of the presentation.

The other part is that the intro appears to be a little long and I need to shorten than slightly. If I can do that, it will at least free up space in a one hour talk to add the additional information on locking in later on.

I really appreciate the additional few moments people took at the end of my talk to write specifically what they enjoyed and what they disliked about my presentation, especially as lunch was waiting for them. It really gives me something to work with in order to improve the talk.