Why is there a difference between decimal 0 and 0.0?

const decimal ZeroA = 0M;
const decimal ZeroB = 0.0M;

They’re the same thing, right? Well, almost. The equality operator says they’re the same thing.

bool areSame = ZeroA == ZeroB; // is true

But internally they’re not, and I’ll get to that in a moment. First, a bit of background.

How did I get here?

I first noticed a bit of an issue in some unit tests. I use Verify Tests in some tests to check the output of the API, which is JSON. In one test for some code I’d refactored, the value 0M was being set on a property if the underlying calculation had nothing to do. The previous code had done this in a different place and the value was 0.0M which should be the same thing. Surely? They’re both zero. But the API’s JSON output was different and Verify Test flagged that as a test fail because it is just doing a text diff on the output against a known good verified output.

That sounds like it could lead to brittle tests, and to some extent that’s correct, however, what it does is allow us to ensure that the external API does not accidentally change due to some internal changes. Some clients can be quite sensitive to change, so this is important to us.

To show you what I mean, here’s a little code:

public class DecimalDto
    public decimal Zero { get; set; } = 0M;
    public decimal ZeroWithDecimalPoint { get; set; } = 0.0M;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var obj = new DecimalDto();
        var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj);

The output is:


So that’s somehow retaining the fact that I put a decimal point in one but not the other. That doesn’t happen if I change the data type to a double.

The code for the double looks like this:

public class DoubleDto
    public double Zero { get; set; } = 0;
    public double ZeroWithDecimalPoint { get; set; } = 0.0;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var obj = new DoubleDto();
        var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj);

And the output looks like this:


Both are the same regardless of whether we put a decimal point in the code.

Lets dig a bit deeper

So, there must be some sort of difference? What is it?

The documentation for public static int[] GetBits (decimal d); gives a clue.

The binary representation of a Decimal number consists of a 1-bit sign, a 96-bit integer number, and a scaling factor used to divide the integer number and specify what portion of it is a decimal fraction. The scaling factor is implicitly the number 10, raised to an exponent ranging from 0 to 28.


That suggests that you may get multiple binary representations of the same number by modifying the exponent.

0 * 10y = 0

Here are different representations of zero depending on how many places we add after the decimal point.

Decimal    96-127    64-95     32-63     0-31 (bits)
    0M =   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000
  0.0M =   00010000  00000000  00000000  00000000
 0.00M =   00020000  00000000  00000000  00000000

It becomes a little more apparent how this is working if we use the number 1:

Decimal    96-127    64-95     32-63     0-31 (bits)
    1M =   00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001
  1.0M =   00010000  00000000  00000000  0000000A
 1.00M =   00020000  00000000  00000000  00000064
1.000M =   00030000  00000000  00000000  000003E8

On the left is the exponent part of the scaling factor (at bits 112-117), on the right (bits 0-95) is the integer representation. To get the value you take the integer value and divide by the scaling factor (which is 10y) so the calculations for each above are:

1 / (10^0) = 1M
10 / (10^1) = 1.0M
100 / (10^2) = 1.00M
1000 / (10^3) = 1.000M

Why did the JSON output differently?

When converting a number to a string the .ToString() method uses the precision embedded in the decimal to work out how many decimal places to render with trailing zeros if necessary, unless you specify that explicitly in the format of the string.

The JSON serialiser does the same. It uses the “G” format string by default as does the .ToString() method.

Can I do anything about it?

Not really, not if you are using the System.Text.Json serialiser anyway. (I haven’t looked at what Newtonsoft.Json does). Although you can add your own converters, you are somewhat limited in what you can do with them.

If you use the Utf8JsonWriter that is supplied to the JsonConverter<T>.Write() method that you need to override, then you have a limited set of things you can write, and it ensures that everything is escaped properly. Normally this would be quite helpful, but it has a WriteNumberValue() method that can accept a decimal, but no further options, so you’ve not progressed any. You can format the string yourself and use a WriteStringValue() but you’ll get a pair of quotations marks around the string you’ve created.

There are no JsonSerializerOptions for formatting numbers, and I can see why not. It would be too easy to introduce errors that make your JSON incompatible with other systems.

There are arguments that if you are writing decimal values you should be treating them as strings in any event.

  • decimal values are usually used for financial information and the JSON parsers on the other end is not guaranteed to convert the number correctly, usually defaulting to a floating point number of some kind, which may cause precision to be lost. For example PayPal’s API treats money values as strings.
  • Strings won’t get converted automatically by the parser.
  • JavaScript itself doesn’t support decimal values and treats all numbers as floating point numbers.

There are options for reading and writing numbers as strings, and with that you can then create your own JsonConverter<decimal> that formats and parses decimals in a way that allows you to specify a specific fixed precision, for example.

At it’s simplest the class could look like this:

public class FixedDecimalJsonConverter : JsonConverter<decimal>
    public override decimal Read(
        ref Utf8JsonReader reader,
        Type typeToConvert,
        JsonSerializerOptions options)
        string stringValue = reader.GetString();
        return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringValue)
            ? default
            : decimal.Parse(stringValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

    public override void Write(
        Utf8JsonWriter writer,
        decimal value,
        JsonSerializerOptions options)
        string numberAsString = value.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

And you can add that in to the serialiser like this:

JsonSerializerOptions options = new ()
    Converters = { new FixedDecimalJsonConverter() },

var obj = new DecimalDto(); // See above for definition
var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj, options);

Which now outputs:

{"Zero": "0.00","ZeroWithDecimalPoint": "0.00"}

ReSharper test runner still going after tests complete

I’ve been writing some tests and I got this message:

[RIDER LOGO] Unit Test Runner

The process ReSharperTestRunner64:26252 has finished running tests assigned to it, but is still running.

Possible reasons are incorrect asynchronous code or lengthy test resource disposal. If test cleanup is expected to be slow, please extend the wait timout in the Unit Testing options page.

It turns out that because I was setting up an IHost as part of my test (via a WebApplicationFactory) that it was what was causing issues. Normally, it would hang around until the application is told to terminate, but nothing in the tests was telling it to terminate.

The culprit was this line of code:

var factory = new WebApplicationFactory<Startup>().WithWebHostBuilder();

The factory is disposable and I wasn’t calling Dispose() explicitly, or implicitly via a using statement.

The fix to this was simply to wrap the returned WebApplicationFactory<T> in a using block and the test running completed in a timely manner at the end of the tests.

using var factory = new WebApplicationFactory<Startup>()

or, if by preference, or using an older version of C#:

using (var factory = new WebApplicationFactory<Startup>().WithWebHostBuilder())
// do stuff with the factory

Although this was running in JetBrains Rider, it uses ReSharper under the hood, so I’m assuming this issue happens with ReSharper running in Visual Studio too.

Ensure Controller actions/classes have authorisation

A couple of years ago I wrote a unit test to ensure that all our controller actions (or Controller classes) had appropriate authorisation set up. This ensures we don’t go to production with a new controller or action that falls back to the default authorisation. We must think about this and explicitly apply it.

I’ve not thought about that unit test much since then. But this week one of the developers on the team created some new controllers for some new functionality we have, and the unit test failed. Although he’d put an [Authorize] attribute on some of the controllers, he’d not done it for all. A common enough lapse. But thanks to this unit test, it was caught early.

Our build server reported it:

The provided expression
    should be
    but was

Additional Info:
    You need to specify [AllowAnonymous] or [Authorize] or a derivative on the following actions, or the class that contains them.
 * MVC.Controllers.CommunicationsPortalController.Index

   at Shouldly.ShouldlyCoreExtensions.AssertAwesomely[T](T actual, Func`2 specifiedConstraint, Object originalActual, Object originalExpected, Func`1 customMessage, String shouldlyMethod)
   at Shouldly.ShouldBeTestExtensions.ShouldBe[T](T actual, T expected, Func`1 customMessage)
   at Shouldly.ShouldBeTestExtensions.ShouldBe[T](T actual, T expected, String customMessage)
   at MVC.UnitTests.Controllers.ControllerAccessTests.All_Controller_Actions_Have_Authorisation() in G:\TeamCityData\TeamCityBuildAgent-3\work\7cc517fed469d618\src\MyApplication\MVC.UnitTests\Controllers\ControllerAccessTests.cs:line 52

The code for the unit test is in this GitHub Gist: https://gist.github.com/colinangusmackay/7c3d44775a61d98ee54fe179f3cd3f21

If you want to use this yourself, you’ll have to edit line 24 (Assembly mvcAssembly = typeof(HomeController).Assembly;) and provide a controller class in your project. It has also been written for NUnit, and we’re using Shouldly as the assertion library.

Creating a Throttle with an ActionBlock – Addendum (Cancelling)

In my previous post I described how to create a throttle with an action block so you wouldn’t have too many tasks running simultaneously. But what if you want to cancel the tasks?

In our use case, we have a hard-limit of 2 minutes to complete the work (or as much as possible). A typical run will take about 30-40 seconds. Sometimes due to network issues or database issues we can’t complete everything in that time, so we have to stop what we’re doing and come back later – and hopefully things will be better and we can complete our run.

So, we need to tell the ActionBlock to stop processing tasks. To do this we pass it a CancellationToken. When we’ve finished posting work items to the ActionBlock we tell the CancellationTokenSource to cancel after a set time. We also check the cancellation token from within our task for the cancelled state an exit at appropriately safe points.

// Before setting up the ActionBlock create a CancellationTokenSource
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

// Set up the ActionBlock with the CancellationToken passed in the options
ActionBlock<int> throttle = new ActionBlock<int>(
    action: i=>DoStuff(i),
    dataflowBlockOptions: new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3,
        CancellationToken = cts.Token

// ...Other code  to post work items to the action block...

// After posting the work items, set the timeout in ms.

// Wrap the await up to catch the cancellation
Task completionTask = throttle.Completion;
    await completionTask;
catch (TaskCanceledException e)

The code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/colinangusmackay/ActionBlockThrottle/tree/master/src/04.CancellingTasksInTheActionBlock

Things to watch for

If you start your timer (When you set cts.CancelAfter(...)) before you’ve posted your work items, it is possible for the cancellation to trigger before you’ve posted all your work items, in which case you should check the cancellation token as you’re posting your work items, otherwise you will be wasting time posting work items that will never be processed.

Creating a Throttle with ActionBlock

We have an application that needs to perform a repetitive task on many external services and record then aggregate the results. As the system has grown the number of external systems has increased which causes some issues as we originally just created a number of tasks and waited on them all completing. This overwhelmed various things as all these tasks were launched near simultaneously. We needed a way to throttle each task, so we used an ActionBlock, part of the Task Parallel Library’s System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow package.

Basic setup

I’ve created a little application that does some “work” (by sleeping for random periods of a few milliseconds). It looks like this:

class Program
    private static byte[] work = new byte[100];
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new Random().NextBytes(work);
        for (int i = 0; i < work.Length; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("All done!");

    static void DoStuff(int data)
        int wait = work[data];
        Console.WriteLine($"{data:D3} : Work will take {wait}ms");

Also available on GitHub: https://github.com/colinangusmackay/ActionBlockThrottle/tree/master/src/00.BasicSerialImplementation

This is the very basic application that I’ll be parallelising.

A simple ActionBlock

Here is the same program, but with the work wrapped in an ActionBlock. It is a bit more complex, and currently for little extra benefit as we’re not done anything to parallelise it yet.

class Program
    private static byte[] work = new byte[100];
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        new Random().NextBytes(work);

        // Define the throttle
        var throttle = new ActionBlock<int>(i=>DoStuff(i));
        // Create the work set.
        for (int i = 0; i < work.Length; i++)

        // indicate that there is no more work 

        // Wait for the work to complete.
        await throttle.Completion;

        Console.WriteLine("All done!");

    static void DoStuff(int data)
        int wait = work[data];
        Console.WriteLine($"{data:D3} : Work will take {wait}ms");

Also available on GitHub: https://github.com/colinangusmackay/ActionBlockThrottle/tree/master/src/01.SimpleActionBlock

This does the same as the first version, by default an ActionBlock does not parallelise any of the processing of the work. All the work is still processed sequentially.

The producer and consumer run in parallel

I said before this is for “little extra benefit”. So I should explain what I mean by that. There is now some parallelisation between the producer and the consumer portions. The for loop that contains the throttle.Post(...) (the producer) is running in parallel with the calls to DoStuff() (the consumer). You can see this if you slow down the producer and introduce some Console.WriteLine(...) statements to see things in action.

This is some example output from that version of the code.

000 : Posting Work Item 0.
000 : Work will take 32ms
001 : Posting Work Item 1.
001 : Work will take 179ms
002 : Posting Work Item 2.
003 : Posting Work Item 3.
004 : Posting Work Item 4.
002 : Work will take 28ms
005 : Posting Work Item 5.
003 : Work will take 9ms
004 : Work will take 100ms
006 : Posting Work Item 6.
007 : Posting Work Item 7.
005 : Work will take 109ms
008 : Posting Work Item 8.
009 : Posting Work Item 9.

I slowed the producer by introducing a wait of 50ms between posting items. As you can see in the time it took to post 10 items (it is zero based) it had only processed 6 items, but the producer and consumer are running simultaneously, so it is not waiting until the producer has completed before it starts processing the items.

Available on GitHub: https://github.com/colinangusmackay/ActionBlockThrottle/blob/master/src/02.SimpleActionBlockShowingProducerConsumer

Setting the Throttle

Finally, we get to the point that we can set some sort of throttle. In our use case we had a lot of work to do, most of which was actually waiting for external systems to respond, but if we threw everything in at once it would be overwhelmed.

Now we can set up some parallelism. The ActionBlock can take some options in the form of an ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions object. It has many options, but the one we’re interested in is MaxDegreeOfParallelism. The creation of the action block now looks like this:

ActionBlock<int> throttle = new ActionBlock<int>(
    action: i=>DoStuff(i),
    dataflowBlockOptions: new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3

In our example, we’re just going to set it to 3 for demonstration purposes, but you’ll likely want to experiment to see where you get the best results.

In the example application, I also added a small counter (tasksInProgress) to keep a count of the number of active tasks and added it to the Console.WriteLine(...) in the DoStuff(...) method. The output looks like this:

000 : Posting Work Item 0.
000 : [TIP:1] Work will take 34ms
001 : Posting Work Item 1.
001 : [TIP:2] Work will take 216ms
002 : Posting Work Item 2.
002 : [TIP:2] Work will take 177ms
003 : Posting Work Item 3.
003 : [TIP:3] Work will take 183ms
004 : Posting Work Item 4.
005 : Posting Work Item 5.
006 : Posting Work Item 6.
007 : Posting Work Item 7.
008 : Posting Work Item 8.
004 : [TIP:3] Work will take 15ms
009 : Posting Work Item 9.
005 : [TIP:3] Work will take 57ms
006 : [TIP:3] Work will take 85ms
010 : Posting Work Item 10.
... etc...

You can see at the start the number of simultaneously running tasks builds up to the MaxDegreeOfParallelism value that was set. So long as the producer part is producing work items faster than the consumer can consume them, the tasks in progress (TIP) will stay at or close to the MaxDegreeOfParallelism.

Code available on GitHub: https://github.com/colinangusmackay/ActionBlockThrottle/tree/master/src/03.MaxDegreesOfParallelismAsAThrottle

Paramore Brighter: The Russian Doll Model

I’ve mentioned a bit about the attributing the handler and the step and timing parameters, but I’ve not explained them properly in previous posts (“Retrying commands” mentions steps, and “Don’t Repeat Yourself” also mentions timings). So, I’ve created a small project to demonstrate what they mean and how it all operates.

The code for this post is available on GitHub.

If you just have the target handler, that is the handler that is directly tied to the Command that got Sent, without any decorations, then we won’t have to worry about the Russian Doll Model. There is only one handler, and it goes directly there. However, as soon as you start decorating your handler with other handlers it comes in to effect.


As the name suggests this affects when the decorated handler will run. Either before or after the target handler. However, handlers set to run “before” also get an opportunity to do things afterwards as well due to the Russian Doll model, as we’ll see.

The Before handler wraps the target handler, and the target handler wraps the After handler. At the very centre is the inner most After handler. Like this:

Russian Doll Model with Before and After handlers
Russian Doll Model with Before and After handlers

The red arrows in the diagram show the flow of the code. So, for a handler with a before and after decoration, the code will execute in the following order:

  • The “Before” timing Handle method
  • The Target Handle method
  • The “After” timing Handle method
  • The Target Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())
  • The “Before” timing Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())

Obviously, you do not have to call the base.Handler from your handler, but if you do that you break the Russian Doll Model, subsequent steps will not be called. Throwing an exception also will not call subsequent steps. According to Ian Cooper, the originator of the Paramore Brighter framework, “An exception is the preferred mechanism to exit a pipeline”.


If you have multiple decorators with the same timing, it may be important to let the framework know in which order to run them.

For Before handlers the steps ascend, so step 1, followed by step 2, followed by step 3, etc. For After handlers the steps descend, so step 3, followed by step 2, followed by step 1.

Russian Doll Model 7 Layers
7 Layer Russian Doll Model (3 Before, Target, and 3 After)

The red arrows in the diagram show the flow of the code. So, for a handler with three before and after decorations, the code will execute in the following order:

  • Step 1 for the “Before” timing Handle method
  • Step 2 for the “Before” timing Handle method
  • Step 3 for the “Before” timing Handle method
  • The Target Handle method
  • Step 3 for the “After” timing Handle method
  • Step 2 for the “After” timing Handle method
  • Step 1 for the “After” timing Handle method
  • Step 2 for the “After” timing Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())
  • Step 3 for the “After” timing Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())
  • The Target Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())
  • Step 3 for the “Before” timing Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())
  • Step 2 for the “Before” timing Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())
  • Step 1 for the “Before” timing Handle method continued (after any call to the base.Handle())

Base Handler classes

You can, of course, create a class between RequestHandler and your own target handler class and this adds its own complexity to the model.

Any handler attributes added to the base class will be added to the pipeline and those handlers will be run for the time, and step they specify. Also, remember that the base class has its own Handle method which can have code before and and after the call to the base class’s implementation.

This can be seen in the sample project on GitHub, which you can download and experiment with to see how the code is executed.

Paramore Brighter: DRY with Custom Decorated Command Handlers

You may wish to add similar functionality to many (or all) command handlers. The typical example is logging. You can decorate a command handler in a similar way to the policies I showed in previous posts to add common functionality. I’ve used this technique to guard the handler from invalid command arguments/parameters (essentially a validator), and for ensuring that we ping our APM (Application Performance Management) tool when a command completes. I’ll use the latter to demonstrate creating a custom decorator and handler to initiate this common code.

Paramore Brighter Command Processor will look for any attributes derived from RequestHandlerAttribute that are added to the Handle method on your command handler class. It will then use them to build a pipeline for your command.

So, in the example here, our attribute class looks like this:

public class HeartbeatAttribute : RequestHandlerAttribute
    public HeartbeatAttribute(int step, HandlerTiming timing = HandlerTiming.After) : base(step, timing)

    public override Type GetHandlerType()
        return typeof(HeartbeatHandler<>);

We are deriving from RequestHandlerAttribute, and it has an abstract method that you need to implement. GetHandlerType() returns the type of handler that needs to be instantiated to handle the common task.

The RequestHandlerAttribute class also takes two arguments for its constructor that you either need to capture from users of your attribute or supply yourself. It takes a step and a timing parameter. Since we’ve already talked about step in a previous post we’ll move on to talking about timing.

The two options for timing are Before and After. In the previous examples the timing has been implicitly set to Before because the handler needed perform actions before your target handler (the one that you decorated). If you set the timing to After it only actions after your target handler.

In the example here, the timing is set After because we want to make sure that the the handler completed correctly before our handler runs. So, if it throws an exception then our heartbeat handler won’t run. If you need to perform an action before and after, then set the timing to Before, and perform actions before the call to base.Handle() and after the call.

Our heartbeat handler looks like this:

public class HeartbeatHandler<TRequest> : RequestHandler<TRequest> where TRequest : class, IRequest
    public override TRequest Handle(TRequest command)
        // We would probably call a heartbeat service at this point.
        // But for demonstration we'll just write to the console.

        Console.WriteLine($"Heartbeat pulsed for {command.GetType().FullName}");
        string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(command);

        return base.Handle(command);

The important thing, as will all handlers, is to remember the call to the base.Handle() which ensures the pipeline is continued.

The target handler decoration looks like this:

[FallbackPolicy(step:1, backstop:true, circuitBreaker:false)]
[UsePolicy(policy: "GreetingRetryPolicy", step:2)]
public override SalutationCommand Handle(SalutationCommand command)
    // Stuff to handle the command.

    return base.Handle(command);

The first two decorators are from previous posts (Retrying Commands and Implementing a fallback exception handler) while the third is our new decorator.

When run, you can see that if the service fails completely (i.e. all the retries failed) then the Heartbeat does not get run. However, if the command succeeds then the heartbeat handler is run. Our APM knows the command succeeded and can display that.


Remember to wire up the handler, as with all handlers, to your dependency injection framework, so that it can be correctly instantiated:


Paramore Brighter with Quality of Service: Retrying Commands

Paramore Brighter supports Policies to maintain quality of service. This is useful when your command makes calls to external services, whether they are databases, web services, or any other end point that exists out of the process of your application. You can set up retry policies, circuit-breaker policies, and timeout policies. For this post, we’ll concentrate on setting up a retry policy.

The full code from this post is available on GitHub.com.

The SalutationHandler that we’ve been using in previous posts now emulates an external failure by throwing an exception in some cases. The policy handler will catch the exception and act on it, retrying the command if necessary.

Set up the policy

First off let’s set up the policy. In this case I’m going for an exponential backoff (doubling the wait time on each attempt) and it will perform a maximum of 4 attempts.

private static IAmAPolicyRegistry GetPolicies()
    var policyRegistry = new PolicyRegistry();

    // These are the default policies that must exist. 
    // We're not using them, so we're setting them to No-op
    policyRegistry.Add(CommandProcessor.RETRYPOLICY, Policy.NoOp());
    policyRegistry.Add(CommandProcessor.RETRYPOLICYASYNC, Policy.NoOpAsync());
    policyRegistry.Add(CommandProcessor.CIRCUITBREAKER, Policy.NoOp());
    policyRegistry.Add(CommandProcessor.CIRCUITBREAKERASYNC, Policy.NoOpAsync());
    // Sets up the policy that we're going to use 
    // for the SaluationHandler
    var greetingRetryPolicy = Policy
        }, (exception, timeSpan) =>
            Console.WriteLine($" ** An error occurred: {exception.Message}");
            Console.WriteLine($" ** Waiting {timeSpan.Seconds} seconds until retry.");

    policyRegistry.Add("GreetingRetryPolicy", greetingRetryPolicy);
    return policyRegistry;

The policies are defined using Polly, a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library.

The .Handle<Exception>() means the policy handles all exceptions. You might want it to be more specific for your use case. e.g. SqlException for database errors.

The WaitAndRetry(...) takes a set of timings (as TimeSpan objects) for how long to wait between attempts and an Action which is run between attempts. Although there are only 3 times here, it will make 4 attempts. Each time represents the amount of time after an attempt before retrying. The first attempt is performed immediately.

The Action allows you to set up what you want to do between attempts. In this case, I’ve only had it output to the console. You may wish to log the error, or take other actions that might help it work.

Finally, we add the policy to the registry and give it a name, so we can refer to it on our Handle method in our command handler class.

In order for Brighter to be able to use this policy, the Handler for it needs to be registered in the IoC container.


The Command Handler

It should be noted that the regardless of the number retries that are made, they are all processed through the same instance of the command handler. This may be important if you store state to do with the progress of the command. It also might be important in case any services you rely on that are injected into the command handler get left in an undefined state if things go wrong.

[FallbackPolicy(step:1, backstop:true, circuitBreaker:false)]
[UsePolicy(policy: "GreetingRetryPolicy", step:2)]
public override SalutationCommand Handle(SalutationCommand command)

We still have our fallback that we set up in the previous post on Paramore Brighter, but we now have a UsePolicy attribute. And since we have two attributes the Step argument now becomes important.

The command processor sets up the policy and command handlers like a Russian doll, with the command handler right in the middle. The outer handler (doll) is step 1, then the one inside that is step 2, and so on until you get to the actual command handler. So, in this case at the very outside is the FallbackPolicy and it only does its thing if it gets an exception, the UsePolicy will act on exceptions before the fallback sees them most of the time.

The UsePolicy attribute takes the name of the policy that we set up earlier when we were creating the policy registry.

Analysing the StackTrace

So, when we ask to greet “Voldemort” it will always fail. We get a stack trace that shows off the Russian Doll quite well.

System.ApplicationException: A death-eater has appeared.
   at QualityOfService.SalutationHandler.ThrowOnTheDarkLord(SalutationCommand command) in C:\dev\BrighterRecipes\src\quality-of-service\quality-of-service\SalutationHandler.cs:line 46
   at QualityOfService.SalutationHandler.Handle(SalutationCommand command) in C:\dev\BrighterRecipes\src\quality-of-service\quality-of-service\SalutationHandler.cs:line 21
   at Paramore.Brighter.RequestHandler`1.Handle(TRequest command)

The above is our SaulatationHandler, starting from the top where the exception is thrown, until the point that our code is called by Paramore Brighter itself.

   at Paramore.Brighter.Policies.Handlers.ExceptionPolicyHandler`1.<>n__0(TRequest command)
   at Paramore.Brighter.Policies.Handlers.ExceptionPolicyHandler`1.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.b__0()
   at Polly.Policy.<>c__DisplayClass33_0`1.b__0(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)
   at Polly.Policy.<>c__DisplayClass42_0`1.b__0(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)
   at Polly.RetrySyntax.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.b__1(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)
   at Polly.Retry.RetryEngine.Implementation[TResult](Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IEnumerable`1 shouldRetryExceptionPredicates, IEnumerable`1 shouldRetryResultPredicates, Func`1 policyStateFactory)
   at Polly.RetrySyntax.<>c__DisplayClass19_1.b__0(Action`2 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Polly.Policy.Execute[TResult](Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Polly.Policy.Execute[TResult](Func`1 action)
   at Paramore.Brighter.Policies.Handlers.ExceptionPolicyHandler`1.Handle(TRequest command)
   at Paramore.Brighter.RequestHandler`1.Handle(TRequest command)

The above section is all part of the retry handler, as defined by the policy we set up. Most of this code is in Polly, which is the quality of service package that Brighter uses.

   at Paramore.Brighter.Policies.Handlers.FallbackPolicyHandler`1.CatchAll(TRequest command)
// The rest of this isn't really part of the exception 
// stack trace, but I wanted to show you where it came from.
   at Paramore.Brighter.Policies.Handlers.FallbackPolicyHandler`1.Handle(TRequest command)
   at Paramore.Brighter.CommandProcessor.Send[T](T command)
   at QualityOfService.Program.Main(String[] args)

Finally, the most outer of the handlers (which you cannot normally see all of because it has caught the exception in CatchAll) before handing it off to our fallback handler.

Paramore Brighter: Implementing a fallback exception handler

So far in this series, we have a basic command processor set up and able to dispose of resources. But what happens when things go wrong? The command processor has a fallback mechanism to handle exceptions that are not caught.

To add this functionality all you need to do is to decorate your handler with a fallback policy attribute, add the Fallback handler into your Dependency Injection framework, and then override the Fallback method.

To add the Fallback handler to .NET Core’s Dependency Injection framework we add


to the BuildServiceProvider method. The typeof variant of AddScoped allows a more general type to be expressed. Otherwise, we’d have to add a fallback policy handler for each command.

Our little salutation handler now looks like this:

[FallbackPolicy(backstop:true, circuitBreaker:false, step:1)]
public override SalutationCommand Handle(SalutationCommand command)
    Console.WriteLine($"Greetings, {command.Name}.");
    return base.Handle(command);

(If you’ve not read Harry Potter, the reference is that if you use He-who-must-not-be-named’s name, then a death eater will appear and take you away. So if we use The Dark Lord’s name we’re throwing an exception)

Back to the code: The first line is the attribute decoration. In this case we say we have a fallback policy that acts as a backstop for any unhandled exception (backstop:true). We’ve not covered the Circuit Breaker so we’re not interested in that for the moment (circuitBreaker:false), and we’ve also not covered what happens if you have multiple attributes (step:1) so we’ll leave that as step 1 (of 1). I’ll come back to those things later.

Now, if we put “Voldemort” in as the Name in the command, it will throw an exception. So we have to handle that somehow. The RequestHandler class has a Fallback method which you can override in your derived handler class.

public override SalutationCommand Fallback(SalutationCommand command)
    if (this.Context.Bag
        Exception exception = (Exception)this.Context
    return base.Fallback(command);

What is happening here is that we are retrieving the Exception from the Context‘s Bag, which is just a Dictionary. Then we can do what we want with the Exception. In this simple example, I’m just writing it to the console, but you’ll most likely want to do something more with it in your application.

As you can see, this is a bit on the clunky side, so where I’ve used Brighter before, I’ve tended to introduce a class between RequestHandler and the specific handler to put in some things that help clean things up.

In this case the MyRequestHandler class looks like this:

public class MyRequestHandler<TCommand> 
             : RequestHandler<TCommand> where TCommand : class, IRequest
    public override TCommand Fallback(TCommand command)
        if (this.Context.Bag
            Exception exception = (Exception)this.Context
            return base.Fallback(ExceptionFallback(command, exception));
        return base.Fallback(command);

    public virtual TCommand ExceptionFallback(TCommand command, Exception exception)
        // If exceptions need to be handled, 
        // this should be implemented in a derived class
        return command;

At the top we can see that instead of a specific command we still have the generic TCommand, which needs to be a class and derived from IRequest. That wasn’t seen in the specific command handler because the explicit command already has these properties, so we didn’t need to express them again.

The Fallback method now contains the code that extracts the exception from the Context and calls ExceptionFallback. In this class ExceptionFallback does nothing except return the command back. When we implement it in our SalutationHandler, the code for handling the exception now looks like this:

public override SalutationCommand ExceptionFallback(SalutationCommand command, Exception exception)
    return base.ExceptionFallback(command, exception);

And that is so much nicer to read. We’ve extracted away the plumbing of retrieving the exception to the newly introduced base class and our command handler looks much neater as a result.

To view the source as a whole, see it on GitHub.

Paramore Brighter: Ensuring Dependencies are Disposed.

In my previous post, I showed how to set up Paramore Brighter with the built in Dependency Injection provided with .NET Core 2. However, it wasn’t the full story.

The code for this post is on GitHub.

In reality the various classes you might need will have different lifecyles, and along with that there are different needs for cleaning up. Some objects might be singletons and you get the same object back every time, some might be transient where you get a different object back every time, and in some cases you need the same object back for the the duration of the action you are doing, but a different object back at other times.

We’re going to look at the last scenario, objects that have a “scope”. For example, say somewhere you need to access a DbContext from Entity Framework. You probably want the same context for the duration of handling the command, but a separate one next time around. This is especially true if your application can handle multiple commands at the same time (e.g. An ASP.NET Core application) – You don’t want one handler to initiate SaveChanges() on the same context as another is still making changes to the data model.

We also want to make sure that any objects that need to be disposed of at the end of handling a command are properly disposed of, whether it is the handler itself, or an object that was injected into it.

To that end we’re going to make some changes to the code from the previous application.

The BuildServiceProvider() method changes the handlers to being scoped:

private static IServiceProvider BuildServiceProvider()
    var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
    return serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

The ServiceProviderHandler class that was created in the previous post needs to take into account that after a command is handled, the resources it uses need to be disposed.

public class ServiceProviderHandler : IAmAHandlerFactory
    private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<IHandleRequests, IServiceScope> _activeHandlers;
    public ServiceProviderHandler(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
        _activeHandlers = new ConcurrentDictionary<IHandleRequests, IServiceScope>();
    public IHandleRequests Create(Type handlerType)
        IServiceScope scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope();
        IServiceProvider scopedProvider = scope.ServiceProvider;
        IHandleRequests result = (IHandleRequests)scopedProvider.GetService(handlerType);
        if (_activeHandlers.TryAdd(result, scope))
            return result;

        throw new InvalidOperationException("The handler could not be tracked properly. It may be declared in the service collection with the wrong lifecyle.");

    public void Release(IHandleRequests handler)
        if (_activeHandlers.TryRemove(handler, out IServiceScope scope))

The changes are that we now keep a dictionary of active command handlers and the scope they are in. When we are asked to Create() a new handler, we:

  • create a new scope,
  • get a services in the context of that scope, and
  • store the handler and scope in the dictionary (keyed on the handler)

If the handler cannot be added to the dictionary, then we Dispose() of the scope (which also disposes the handler if it is disposable) and we throw an exception to say that something went wrong. Generally, the same handler should never end up in the dictionary twice, but it might if it was set up with a Singleton lifecycle and multiple threads are trying to use it. So, we guard against that. In a single threaded application, this code is not likely to be hit even if the handler was defined as a Singleton because it will have been removed from the dictionary at the end of its previous operation.

Once the command has been handled, the Release() method is called which

  • looks up the handler in the dictionary to get the scope, while it
  • removes the handler and scope from the dictionary, and then
  • disposes of everything in that scope.

Just to show that this all works, I made the command handler implement the IDisposable interface and just put in a Console.WriteLine() to show that it was called.

public class SalutationHandler : RequestHandler<SalutationCommand>, IDisposable
    public override SalutationCommand Handle(SalutationCommand command)
        Console.WriteLine($"Greetings, {command.Name}.");
        return base.Handle(command);

    public void Dispose()
        Console.WriteLine("I'm being disposed.");

The Main() method now creates two commands:

commandProcessor.Send(new SalutationCommand("Christian"));
commandProcessor.Send(new SalutationCommand("Alisdair"));

And the resulting output is:

Greetings, Christian.
I'm being disposed.
Greetings, Alisdair.
I'm being disposed.