Mixins in .NET (again)

A while ago I wrote about Mixins in C# 3.0, at the time I was saying that you can get some of the functionality, but not all, from some of the new language features in C#3.0. The solution is a bit of a fudge because the language doesn’t support the concept. I’ve been looking at Oxygene recently and it has some language features that go a bit further than C# does and will support greater mixin-like functionality which it calls interface delegation.

Interface delegation is again a bit of a fudge, but not quite like C#. In this case the language supports this mixin-like functionality and the fudge happens in the compiler. Let’s take the class hierarchy that I used the last time:


In Oxygene the Dog class looks like this:


  Dog = public class(Mammal, IRun, ISwim)
      runInterfaceDelegate : RunMixin; implements IRun;
      swimInterfaceDelegate : SwimMixin; implements ISwim;



From this we can see that Dog inherits from Mammal and implements IRun and ISwim. The IRun interface has one method (Run), and the ISwim interface has only one method also (Swim). Of course, there could be as many methods and properties as you like.

The C# version of the Dog class, as produced by Reflector, looks like this:

public class Dog : Mammal, IRun, ISwim
    // Fields
    private RunMixin runInterfaceDelegate;
    private SwimMixin swimInterfaceDelegate;

    // Methods
    void IRun.Run()

    void ISwim.Swim()

As you can see, there are two private fields holding a reference to the appropriate mixin, in each of the methods the responsibility for carrying out the action is delegated to the appropriate surrogate mixin object.

What you will also notice is that you still have to instantiate the surrogate mixin objects. Under normal circumstances that would be in the constructor. If it were a real mixin you wouldn’t have the option as the mixin would be created at the same time as the object it is used with. In fact, the mixin would be mixed in as part of the object itself. So, perhaps interface delegates gives you slightly greater power than with a real mixin as you could reuse the surrogate mixin object. Then again, would you want to? I’ve not been able to think of a scenario where I would, but perhaps it could be useful.

I’d like to see interface delegates in C# at some point in the future (sooner rather than later). In fact, I’d like to see proper mixin functionality, but I recon that will require changes to the CLR to support multiple inheritance. In the meantime, I think I’ll have to write some sort of snippet in C# to quickly generate the code that Oxygene gives me in one line. Either that or start writing in Oxygene… Now, there’s a thought!

DALs and the DAAB

I’ve been pondering something that was raised in passing earlier this week and that is the relationship between a DAL (Data Abstraction Layer) and the DAAB (Data Access Application Block).

It was briefly mentioned in a conversation that I had that the DAAB provides the functionality of a DAL because the developer doesn’t need to worry about the back end database that is being used. I suppose to some extent that is true. However, I don’t believe that it fully functions as a DAL.

To my mind a DAL abstracts the access of data away from the rest of the application. Most people seem to restrict this view to data being held in a database.  But databases are not the only repository of data. Data can be held in plain text files, CSV files, XML files and many other formats. It doesn’t need to arrive by file, it could be data from a service or other mechanism.

If you treat sources of data as being more than a database then the DAAB is not a suitable substitute for building a DAL.

Also the DAAB has some limitations in that it cannot translate the SQL itself. For example the flavour of SQL in Oracle has differences to the flavour of SQL in SQL Server. This means that any SQL code will have to be translated. One possible solution is to ensure that everything is done through stored procedures. Then all that the DAAB needs is the stored procedure’s name and the values for the parameters.

But what of passing stored procedure names and parameters to the DAAB? Wouldn’t they need to be known in the business layer? Surely the business layer should know absolutely nothing about the database? Absolutely, the business layer should not be concerning itself at all with the database. It shouldn’t know about stored procedure names, parameters or anything else, even if the DAAB takes care of figuring out the details under the hood from information picked up from the config file. The Business Layer should just need to know there is a DAL and a method on the DAL can be called and some results come back. How the DAL does anything is of no concern to the business layer.

A quick and dirty test, in my opinion, is to look out for any classes from the System.Data namespace in the business or presentation layer to determine if the DAL is well designed.

In my mind the DAAB is just a tool that can be used to make the creation and maintenance of a DAL easier when dealing with databases. It makes it easy to change the location of databases as the development process moves along from the developers’ machines, to continuous integration, test, pre-live and finally live (or what ever your process calls for). The argument that the DAAB makes it easy to swap out one type of database for another isn’t something that is actually going to be done all that often. From what I’ve seen, companies generally run two systems concurrently until the old one is discontinued. Rarely do they ever actually update the old system to use the new database and when they do it is usually via some form of orchestration system so the old system doesn’t need to be changed in any great way. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.


What is a DAL (Part 4)

As has been mentioned previously, one of the purposes of the DAL is to shield that application from the database. That said, what happens if a DAL throws an exception? How should the application respond to it? In fact, how can it respond to an exception that it should not know about?

If something goes wrong with a query in the database an exception is thrown. If the database is SQL Server then a SqlException is thrown. If it isn’t SQL Server then some other exception is thrown. Or the DAL may be performing actions against a completely different type of data source such as an XML file, plain text file, web service or something completely different. If the application knows nothing about the back end database (data source) then how does it know which exception to respond to?

In short, it doesn’t. It can’t know which of the myriad of possible exceptions that could be thrown will be and how to respond to it. The calling code could just catch(Exception ex) but that is poor practice. It is always best to catch the most specific exception possible.

The answer is to create a specific exception that the DAL can use. A DalException that calling code can use. The original exception is still available as an InnerException on the DalException.

using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace Dal
    public class DalException : Exception
        public DalException()
            : base()

        public DalException(string message)
            : base(message)

        public DalException(string message, Exception innerException)
            : base(message, innerException)

        public DalException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)

The DAL will catch the original exception, create a new one based on the original and throw the new exception.

public DataSet GetPolicy(int policyId)
        SqlDataAdapter da =
        da.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", policyId);
        DataSet result = new DataSet();
        return result;
    catch (SqlException sqlEx)
        DalException dalEx = BuildDalEx(sqlEx);
        throw dalEx;

The code for wrapping the original exception in the DAL Exception can be refactored in to a separate method so it can be used repeatedly. Depending on what it needs to do it may be possible to put that as a protected method on one of the abstract base classes

private DalException BuildDalEx(SqlException sqlEx)
    string message = string.Format("An exception occured in the Policy DALrn" +
        "Message: {0}", sqlEx.Message);
    DalException result = new DalException(message, sqlEx);
    return result;

Previous articles in the series:



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What is a DAL (Part 3)

In this continuation of my series on the DAL I’m going to show the ability to create several DALs and have a Factory class instantiate the correct DAL based on settings in a config file.

One of the purposes of the DAL is to shield the application from the detail of accessing the database. You may have a system where you may have to talk to different databases depending on the way the software is installed. Typically this is most useful by creators of components that need to plug into many different database systems.

The DAL will no longer be a singleton, but rely on a Factory to create the correct DAL class. This is most useful when the data may be coming from different sources. It can also be useful when your application is in development and the database isn’t ready because you can then create a mock DAL and return that instead of the real thing.

UML Diagram showing multiple DALs

UML Diagram showing multiple DALs

The above UML Diagram shows the base DAL that was introduced in the last article in this series. Again, it is an abstract class as it does not contain enough functionality to be instantiated on its own. However, it is now joined by two additional abstract classes. These add a bit more functionality specific to the target database, but still not enough to be useful as an object in its own right.

Finally at the bottom layer are the various concrete DAL classes that act as the proxies to the database.

So that the calling application doesn’t need to know what database it is dealing with the concrete classes implement interfaces. That way the application receives a reference to an IPolicyDal, for example, without having to know whether it is connected to an Oracle database or a SQL Server database (or any other future database you may need to support)

The factory class, not shown in the UML diagram above, picks up information in a config file which tells it which specialised DAL to actually create. It returns that specialised instance through a reference to the interface. This means that the calling code does not need to know what specialised class has actually been created. Nor should it need to care.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Dal
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates and dispenses the correct DAL depending on the configuration
    /// </summary>
    public class DalFactory
        private static IPolicyDal thePolicyDal = null;
        private static IClaimDal theClaimDal = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the policy DAL
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A dal that implements IPolicyDal</returns>
        public static IPolicyDal GetPolicyDal()
            if (thePolicyDal == null)
                string policyDalName = DalConfig.PolicyDal;
                Type policyDalType = Type.GetType(policyDalName);
                thePolicyDal =
            return thePolicyDal;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the claim DAL
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A DAL that implements IClaimDal</returns>
        public static IClaimDal GetClaimDal()
            if (theClaimDal == null)
                string claimDalName = DalConfig.ClaimDal;
                Type claimDalType = Type.GetType(claimDalName);
                theClaimDal =
            return theClaimDal;

The factory stores the each DAL class as it is created so that if a Get...() method is called repeatedly it always returns the same instance. The DAL classes should not be storing any state so this is a safe thing to do.

The DalConfig class is a very simple static class that consists of a number of property getters that retrieves the information out of the config file. The PolicyDal and ClaimDal properties return the fully qualified name of the specialised DAL class to instantiate.

Previous articles in the series:

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What is a DAL? (Part 2)

In my last post about the DAL I presented a very basic DAL based on a static class. This is fine for small applications, but for larger applications the limitations will soon start to show themselves.

In this post I’ll convert the DAL to a series of singletons so that each singleton operates on a different part of the database.

First of all, I should explain what a singleton is. A singleton is a class that has only one instance. The way that single instance is generated is controlled from the class itself.

When some code wants to use the singleton it calls a static property called Instance to get the one and only instance of the class. The property checks to see if there is already an instance available and if not creates it. This instance is stored in a private static field on the class. To ensure that only one instance of the class is ever created

The following is the DAL with just the parts that make it a singleton

    public class InvoiceDal
        /// <summary>
        /// A private field to hold the only instance of this class
        /// </summary>
        private static InvoiceDal instance;

        /// <summary>
        /// A private constructor so that the only thing that can
        /// construct this class is itself
        /// </summary>
        private InvoiceDal()
            // Do initialisation stuff here.

        /// <summary>
        /// A public property that retrieves the only instance of the
        /// class
        /// </summary>
        public static InvoiceDal Instance
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = new InvoiceDal();
                return instance;

Now the methods from the original static DAL (see previous post) can be carried over almost as they are. It is just the static keyword that has to be removed.

But, the point of this post is to refactor the old static DAL into a number of DAL classes where each class represents some component. The part given already represents the invoicing system. The next part will be for the stock inventory system.

It should, hopefully, be obvious that part of the DAL given already will be needed again. The lazy way is to just copy and paste the methods into a new DAL class. This is wasteful and the poor sod that has to maintain the code will not thank you. In practice what tends to happen is that, in your absence, you will be the butt of all jokes and your name will be dragged through the mud. This is something you don’t want to happen to you.

So, instead an abstract base class will be created which contains the common parts of the DAL. Certain decisions need to be made about goes in the base class. For example, is the base class responsible for figuring out what connection string to use? If you are only going to connect to one database then it certainly does seem to be a good choice. What if you need to (or expect to) connect to multiple databases? In those situations the derived class may be the best place to figure out the connection string. For this example, I’ll assume that multiple database are in use, but all from the same type of database system (e.g. Different databases running on SQL Server). I’ll come on to different database systems later in the series.

The abstract base class looks like this:

public abstract class DalBase
    private static string connectionString;

    protected DalBase()

    /// <summary>
    /// Builds the command object with an appropriate connection and sets
    /// the stored procedure name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="storedProcedureName">The name of the stored
    /// procedure</param>
    /// <returns>The command object</returns>
    protected SqlCommand BuildCommand(string storedProcedureName)
        // Create a connection to the database.
        SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Create the command object - The named stored procedure
        // will be called when needed.
        SqlCommand result = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureName,
        result.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        return result;

    /// <summary>
    /// Builds a DataAdapter that can be used for retrieving the results
    /// of queries
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="storedProcedureName">The name of the stored
    /// procedure</param>
    /// <returns>A data adapter</returns>
    protected SqlDataAdapter BuildBasicQuery(string storedProcedureName)
        SqlCommand cmd = BuildCommand(storedProcedureName);

        // Set up the data adapter to use the command already setup.
        SqlDataAdapter result = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        return result;

And the derived class looks like this:

public class InvoiceDal : DalBase

    /// <summary>
    /// A private field to hold the only instance of this class
    /// </summary>
    private static InvoiceDal instance;

    /// <summary>
    /// A private constructor so that the only thing that can
    /// construct this class is itself
    /// </summary>
    private InvoiceDal()
        connectionString =

    /// <summary>
    /// A public property that retrieves the only instance of the class
    /// </summary>
    public static InvoiceDal Instance
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new InvoiceDal();
            return instance;

    /// <summary>
    /// A sample public method. There are no parameters, it simply calls
    /// a stored procedure that retrieves all the products
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A DataTable containing the product data</returns>
    public DataTable GetAllProducts()
        SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = BuildBasicQuery("GetAllProducts");

        // Get the result set from the database and return it
        DataTable result = new DataTable();
        return result;

    /// <summary>
    /// A sample public method. It takes one parameter which is passed
    /// to the database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="invoiceNumber">A number which identifies the
    /// invoice</param>
    /// <returns>A dataset containing the details of the required
    /// invoice</returns>
    public DataSet GetInvoice(int invoiceNumber)
        SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = BuildBasicQuery("GetInvoice");
            "@invoiceNumber", invoiceNumber);

        DataSet result = new DataSet();
        return result;

    /// <summary>
    /// A sample public method. Creates an invoice in the database and
    /// returns the invoice number to the calling code.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="customerId">The id of the customer</param>
    /// <param name="billingAddressId">The id of the billing
    /// address</param>
    /// <param name="date">The date of the invoice</param>
    /// <returns>The invoice number</returns>
    public int CreateInvoice(int customerId, int billingAddressId,
        DateTime date)
        SqlCommand cmd = BuildCommand("CreateInvoice");
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", customerId);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);

        int result = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
        return result;


It is now possible to create more of these derived classes for various parts of the application all sharing the same common code in the base class.


What is a DAL?

I occasionally see posts on forums asking for help with some database
problem. Then I see they’ve been using the the wizards in Visual Studio (which
is okay for a beginner, but should really be ditched once the basic concepts
have been learned). I suggest that they use a DAL and I get lots of positive
signals back that they’ll do that in future. Then a week or two later they’ve
got themselves into another problem and they’re still using wizard generated

So, it occurred to me that just saying “Use a DAL” doesn’t mean anything. If
someone told me that I need to use the finkle-widget pattern I wouldn’t know
what they are talking about. And if a person has never heard the term DAL
before, or never had it explained to them, then it is just as useful as saying
“use the finkle-widget pattern”

So, I figured it would be a good idea to show what a very basic DAL looks
like and to explain what it is.

A DAL is a Data Abstraction Layer. It is the part of the application that is
responsible for communicating with a data source. That data source is typically
a database, but it can be anything you like, such as an XML file, a plain text
file or anything else that data can be read from or written to.

In this example it will be a static class that communicates with a SQL
Server. It picks up the connection string
from the config file. It will communicate with stored procedures and return
DataTables, DataSets or single values. It doesn’t do everything a DAL could do,
but it shows the basic functionality.

Whenever I create DAL classes I try and think about them as if they are a
proxy for a group of actual stored procedures. I give the methods the same name
as the stored procedures, I give each method the same parameter names as the
stored procedure.

A DAL class has to mange the connection, so in this example I have a static
initialiser that gets the connection string from the config file and stores

        private static string connectionString;
        static Dal()         {             connectionString =
                ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];         }

On each query a new connection object is created. The reason for this is that
the recommendation is that you acquire-query-release. Acquire a connection,
perform your query, then release the connection back to the pool.

            int result = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

The connection Open / Close calls are not necessary when using a DataAdapter
as it will open the connection and then close it again in the Fill method. If
the connection was open before Fill is called then it will stay open.

There are two helper methods that are not publicly available. They are
BuildCommand and BuildBasicQuery.

BuildCommand creates the connection and command object and attaches the
connection to the command. It also tells the command the name of the stored
procedure that is to be called.

BuildBasicQuery uses BuildCommand, but then attaches the command to a
DataAdapter so that it can be used to obtain query results.

The full code of the sample DAL is below:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;

namespace Cam.DataAbstractionLayer
    public static class Dal
        private static string connectionString;

        /// <summary>
        /// The static initialiser will be called the first time any
        /// method on the class is called. This ensures that the
        /// connection string is available.
        /// </summary>
        static Dal()
            connectionString =

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the command object with an appropriate connection and
        /// sets the stored procedure name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storedProcedureName">The name of the stored
        /// procedure</param>
        /// <returns>The command object</returns>
        private static SqlCommand BuildCommand(string storedProcedureName)
            // Create a connection to the database.
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

            // Create the command object - The named stored procedure
            // will be called when needed.
            SqlCommand result = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureName,
            result.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a DataAdapter that can be used for retrieving the
        /// results of queries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storedProcedureName">The name of the stored
        /// procedure</param>
        /// <returns>A data adapter</returns>
        private static SqlDataAdapter BuildBasicQuery(
            string storedProcedureName)
            SqlCommand cmd = BuildCommand(storedProcedureName);

            // Set up the data adapter to use the command already setup.
            SqlDataAdapter result = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// A sample public method. There are no parameters, it simply
        /// calls a stored procedure that retrieves all the products
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A DataTable containing the product data</returns>
        public static DataTable GetAllProducts()
            SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = BuildBasicQuery("GetAllProducts");

            // Get the result set from the database and return it
            DataTable result = new DataTable();
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// A sample public method. It takes one parameter which is
        /// passed to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invoiceNumber">A number which identifies the
        /// invoice</param>
        /// <returns>A dataset containing the details of the required
        /// invoice</returns>
        public static DataSet GetInvoice(int invoiceNumber)
            SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = BuildBasicQuery("GetInvoice");
                "@invoiceNumber", invoiceNumber);

            DataSet result = new DataSet();
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// A sample public method. Creates an invoice in the database
        /// and returns the invoice number to the calling code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId">The id of the customer</param>
        /// <param name="billingAddressId">The id of the billing
        /// address</param>
        /// <param name="date">The date of the invoice</param>
        /// <returns>The invoice number</returns>
        public static int CreateInvoice(int customerId,
            int billingAddressId, DateTime date)
            SqlCommand cmd = BuildCommand("CreateInvoice");
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", customerId);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);

            int result = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
            return result;

So, that is that. A very basic introduction to creating a DAL.


The new Model VIew Controller

I’ve always had an inkling that there was something not quite right about Model-View-Controller pattern. Something didn’t sit right with me that (1) the View ask the Controller to do something, (2) the Controller in turn manipulated the Model, (3) the Model would emit events to tell the View that it had changed and finally (4) the View would query the Model to in order to update the display.


In the traditional fashion the Model knows nothing of the View – which is just as it should be. But the View, in my opinion, knew too much about the Model.

I felt that the View shouldn’t know anything about the Model. But many books on the subject seemed to be suggesting strongly that this was the correct way to do things. It seems that many people shared my opinion which is why there is the Model-View-Presenter pattern which is now gaining acceptance.

First off, let’s take a step back. What are the Model, View and Controller?

The View is the visualisation of the Model to the user; It is the web page or the windows form.

The Model contains the business objects, although it could just be a proxy for a service layer.

The Controller is the thing that manipulates the Model on behalf of the view. In many applications the Controller gets tightly coupled to the view as it is absobed into the code behind class in Web Forms and so on. Strictly speaking, it should be a separate class. When the Controller is a separate class, it can be part of the Strategy pattern, which means that one controller class can be swapped for another if you want the view to have different behaviour.

So, what about this Presenter? Well the presenter is the replacement for the controller. In this case (1) the View ask the Presenter to do something, (2) the Presenter in turn manipulated the Model, which are the same steps as in the Model-View-Controller, but finally (3) the Presenter updates the View. In this case the Model does not emit events that are handled in the View and the View does not know anything about the Model.


Now the interesting thing is that the Presenter has no knowledge of UI controls at all. It does not depend on the view. It just depends on an interface that the view implements. This has a big benefit when it comes to unit testing. The UI class can be mocked with another class that implements the same interface and so the Presenter, which contains the bulk of the user interaction code, can be unit tested easily.

You’ll notice that in the second diagram there were no events being fired by the Model. This can still occur if necessary. For example, if there are many views open and the user updates one, the model can emit events that the presenters responsible for the other views can pick up on. So, the difference is just in which object receives and handles the events.

If you want to se a practical demonstration of the Model-View-Presenter pattern then you might like to download the dnrTV show by Jean-Paul Boodhoo on the MVP pattern.

NOTE: This was rescued from the Google Cache. The original date was Wednesday, 10th May, 2006.
